Tuesday, September 8, 2009


It is not only products that can be advertised, sometimes it can even be a sport. (Topic: My favourite or my least favourite advertisment; Straightforward Intermediate, Unit 5)

An ad for a nose gel, which "attacks, before it (a virus) has a chance to spread and develop".
Or as it says, attack is the best form of defence.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Musicians (The Lost Tribes of London)

(Extra video material to Straightforward Upper Intermediate, 3A)

Jimi Hendrix, who died aged just 27 in 1970, is still revered as one of the greatest rock guitarist ever. With his band, the Jimi Hendrix experience, he created innovative music that still sounds extraordinary today. Among his hit records were Purple Haze and All Along the Watchtower.

Janis Joplin was a female US singer with a very strong and striking voice. She died of a drug abuse in 1970. (Cry Baby and Piece of My Heart by Janis Joplin)

Johny Rotten was the lead singer if the Sex Pistols, the most influential and most parent-shocking punk band. Most live concerts ended up in chaos and riots (if they weren't cancelled before they even started). They had a number of hit records between 1975 and 1979 including Anarchy in the UK, Pretty Vacant and God Save the Queen. (Sinatras My Way by Johny Rotten)

The Cure are a UK band that have survived from the 1980s to the present day. Their lead singer is wild-haired Robert Smith. Although mainly an album band, they have had a number of hit single records including Lovecats and Friday I'm in Love.

Siouxie and The Banshees were a successful punk band from the 1970s, led by a female singer Siouxie Sioux. (Kiss Them for Me)

Marilyn Manson is a contemporary singer who often wears Gothic make-up and clothes.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Maturita z AJ: Cieľové požiadavky

Štátny pedagogický ústav v roku 2008 vydal katalóg cieľových požiadaviek na vedomosti a zručnosti maturantov z anglického jazyka. V dokumente je uvedených 25 tematických okruhov (sú zhodné pre úroveň B1 a B2). Užitočný je aj prehľad jazykových vedomostí, na prečítanie odporúčam časti Grafická stránka jażyka, Lexika a Morfolóogia a syntax (str. 9-15).

Celý dokument si môžete stiahnuť tu: cieľové požiadavky pre B1 a cieľové požiadavky pre B2

"Spoločný názov pre obe úrovne je samostatný užívateľ (independent learner), čo predpokladá, že žiak aktívne pristupuje k získavaniu vedomostí nielen na hodinách anglického jazyka, ale i prostredníctvom všetkých dostupných médií (samoštúdiom) v zhode so svojimi osobnými záujmami a profesijnou orientáciou. Požiadavky kladené na žiaka predpokladajú uvedomelý prístup žiaka k osvojeniu si cudzieho jazyka."